Monday, April 3, 2017

Science: Mentimeter

Third Grade Science Core Standard 5: Students will understand that the sun is the main source of heat and light for things living on Earth. They will also understand that the motion of rubbing objects together may produce heat.

Ed Tech Standard 6: Use telecommunications efficiently and effectively to access remote information and communicate with others in support of direct and independent learning and for pursuit of personal interests.

ISTE Standard Innovate Designer: I solve problems by creating new and imaginative solutions using a variety of tools.

I originally chose this tool because I wanted a presentation where I could quiz my students while still presenting information at the same time! This is how I cam across Mentimeter.
This tool was so fun for me to create and use! The creation was a lot like a power point or google slides. You pick what you want your template to look like and create it the way you want to use it. What makes this different from other slide show tools, is that it has various quizzes and free response questions through out the presentation.
In class I would use this to present information and have the students work in small groups to help answer the questions and talk about the material. This tool would be very helpful in keeping the students attention throughout the presentation by making it more interactive. They get to answer different questions to help me understand their comprehension level. The one thing that I didn't like about this tool, is that there aren't any good templates for just text. I wanted to displaying information or use bullet points, but the templates used for those were very difficult to work with. They have word restrictions and a weird lay out. Over all I really enjoyed this tool and I think it is a fun way to incorporate interactives that can be used for collaboration in class!

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